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Individual Paper and Poster presentations abstracts must be submitted via the presentation module on the website by no longer than 01 March 2025.

Please contact with any questions.

General Instructions

  • Presentations to be presented at the congress should contribute to scientific advancement and must deliver a conclusive message.
  • Abstracts and presentations will be collected online. Since the texts submitted will be printed verbatim, attention must be paid to spelling errors. The authors are responsible for any spelling errors.
  • In the abstracts, the purpose and methods used in the study should be briefly stated, findings should be written with facts in detail, and results should be explained within this framework.
  • No abbreviations should be used within the abstract.
  • Abstracts should be written using the headings Aim, Method, Results and Conclusion.
  • The entire abstract (excluding the title and author names) should not exceed 300 words.
  • Only the first letters of the title should be capitalized, and author names should be written in lowercase without abbreviations, without using academic titles, with only the first letter capitalized.
  • The names and addresses of the institutions where the authors work must be clearly indicated.
  • For the abstract to be accepted, the presenter must have a congress registration.
  • Abstracts that do not comply with any of these principles may be excluded from evaluation regardless of their content.
  • Abstract evaluation results will be sent to the e-mail addresses defined in the system.

Paper Poster Guidelines
Please prepare your poster to fit the dimensions below:

  • The poster must be VERTICAL orientation.
  • It is recommended that posters are prepared on one sheet of material.
  • The poster size cannot exceed cm 50 (width) x 70 (height).
  • Allocate the top of the poster for the title and authors as stated on the submitted abstract.
  • The text, illustrations, etc. should be bold enough to be read from a distance of two metres. (six feet).
  • Please note that you are required to print and bring your own poster. There is no option to print your poster at the venue.
  • Presenters are required to stand by their posters throughout the entirety of their assigned session to engage in discussions and address queries from attendees.

1) Student Travel Stipends
Six student stipends not to exceed $500 each are available to defray costs for students who are presenting at the conference in person. To qualify for a stipend, students must be the first author, present a paper/poster in person during the Istanbul conference, and must be SEPI members. Please send e-mail to by writing “I want to apply Student Travel Stipends /with your name” at the same time of poster and individual abstracts submissions.

2) Paul L. Wachtel Travel Grants
Up to two travel grants not to exceed $1000 each are available to support travel to the conference by SEPI members and SEPI fellows. Travel grants will only be given to those who are attending the conference in person, and in real time. Please note that SEPI student members are not eligible for these grants. To apply, please go to the awards section of the SEPI website: Deadline to apply for the Paul Wachtel Travel Grant is May 1, 2025. Application form is posted on the website.

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